Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Creative process 1001 Buddhas

We've been in Minneapolis for less than two weeks now working on our
second major production with Ragamala Dance called "1001 Buddhas".
This one is much bigger than our last collaboration, "Sva", in that
it's not just Tokara and Ragamala, but also Unnikrishnan (Chenda),
Rajna (Mrdangam), Anjna (Violin) and Lalit (Voice). It is much more
complicated this time around, but I have a feeling the finished work
is going to be a stunner. Hoping that we will be able to tour this
around the world, because it is certainly the first time (second
actually..."Sva" was the first) that a taiko drumming group is working
so intricately with Indian dance and music.
Whenever I see collaborations of this kind, usually the taiko group
does their simple 4/4 taiko rhythms and the other group will do their
thing. Those performances have always left me feeling that the
creative process wasn't taken to it's maximum potential. My feeling
is that each group should challenge themselves to study each others
art to be able to understand, and create a successful collaboration.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Tokara News Update

Wadaiko Tokara News Update

Art Lee documentary on NHK
"Begin Japanology" on NHK Broadcasting network will feature a documentary about Wadaiko Artist Art Lee on March 15 and 16. 
The documentary will air on March 16th at 2:00p.m. on NHK BS1 in Japan, and will air around the world on NHK World on March 15th at 9:30a.m.

Tokara fundraising to create DVD:
Wadaiko Tokara finally has a chance to create a DVD!! After eight years, in celebration of Tokara's eighth birthday on March 7th, we have recently been presented with an opportunity to create a performance DVD as well as an instructional DVD. We are working hard to raise funding for making this a reality, and we are asking for pledges to this project:
We only have 30 days to raise these funds, and if we don't make the goal, then we don't get even a cent. So, we are working really hard to make the goal. Thank you to those who have pledged and/or shared this information with anyone and everyone you possibly can.  If at least 400 people pledge only $25 each, we can reach our goal. There are some great rewards as well for anyone who pledges any amount. Please take a look at our project page at:

NEW TOKARA CD - "Toward the Undiscovered Country"
After nearly eight years since the formation of Wadaiko Tokara, we are excited to announce Wadaiko Tokara's very first CD "Toward the Undiscovered Country". This CD presents some of Tokara's most popular pieces which have been performed in 19 countries since 2004.
To Preview and Purchase our new CD, click on the following link:http://www.tokara.net/info/ttuccd.html

Intensive Taiko Courses in Japan:
All spaces are now full and registration for the 2012 INADANI Taiko Drumming Course has now closed.
If you still want to come to an intensive taiko course taught by Art Lee in Japan, there are still spaces available for the Tokara Wadaiko Bootcamp in August.
Otherwise, starting in December 2012, registration for the 2013 INADANI Taiko Drumming Course GRAND TOUR will begin.  Watch the Tokara Website for details.

Wadaiko TOKARA Japan
TEL: +81(0)265-59-8768
Email: info@tokara.net
Website: http://www.tokara.net

2012 Intensive Workshops in Japan:

INADANI Taiko Drumming Course (Beginners) -- June

Tokara Wadaiko Bootcamp (Intermediate/Advanced) -- August

Tokara ニュース

和太鼓アーティスト アート・リーは NHK放送番組 "Begin Japanology" (ビギン・ジャパノロジー)で出演します。
放送時間は:日本国内 NHKBS1: 3月16日(金)14:30〜

6月3日 - 午後3:30時、名古屋市北文化小劇場
7月21日 - 幸い下伊那和太鼓フェスティバル、特別ゲスト出演:Mugenkyo (スコットランド)

和太鼓TOKARA(トカラ)結成から8年目の今年、ついに待望の初CD「Toward the Undiscoverd
収録曲数 8曲 オリジナル7曲 (アートリー作曲) 伝統曲1曲
収録時間 58分

このメッセージは news@tokara.net から送りました。

和太鼓 遥TOKARA遥 ニュース
〒395-0813 長野県飯田市毛賀831-1
TEL/FAX: 0265-59-8768
メール: info@tokara.net
HP: http://www.tokara.net



Stardate 21230.9

Well, just found out that I will be going to Canada by myself at the
end of next month. Mostly a few workshops and performances in
Kelowna, then there might be something in Vancouver, but not sure yet.
Looking forward to go, but a little disappointed because it was
supposed to be with all of Tokara and that just didn't go though.

Really looking forward to start recording on the DVD's. That's
something that I've been hoping to do for years upon years, and it's
been frustrating because being a Japan-based arts group, but not being
Japanese, I can't get mainstream grants or funding in either country,
even though there have been countless possible sponsors who say they
love our music.

I remember once, maybe six years ago, Kaburagi-san, president of
Kabuchan Nouen, an extremely wealthy distributor of farm goods, and I
went on a radio set, being described as two of the "exciting
innovators in Nagano Prefecture". Kabuchan Nouen as successfully
exporting persimmons and apple from this region which are quite
famous, and Tokara for creating and making famous a new and exciting
style of taiko.
The other big differences between us is that Kabuchan is extremely
wealthy, and Tokara is extremely...not. Kaburagi-san also said on the
radio that he was a huge fan of Tokara and anyone who can should do
their best to support us. Wow, that was really nice to say, I
Anyway, after the interview, Kaburagi-san and I went to have a cup of
tea and talk, and I had a proposal for him to help sponsor a festival
which we produce. It was a proposal which we had started before the
interview. Finishing out the proposal, he laughed in a way that says
"you must be joking". Suffice it to say, it didn't work out.

Well, this kickstarter crowd funding project for recording our DVD is
the first time we have ever found a way to try to raise funds like
this. Hope it works out!!! Working like mad to try to make it.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wadaiko Tokara Video Podcast

今までのツアーの写真やビデオ、このリンクへ行くと和太鼓トカラのポッドキャストが itunes から見れます。

Hello Everyone,
Currently, our Europe Tour is now half finished. From now, we are
preparing go to the U.K., Ireland for performances and workshops, as
well as to Germany for Japan Week Performances.
Now you can see pictures and video from the first half of our tour via
our new video podcast on itunes. To see these and to subscribe to
this podcast, please click on the following link.


Wadaiko TOKARA Japan
〒395-0813 長野県飯田市毛賀831-1
TEL/FAX: 0265-59-8768
Email: info@tokara.net
HP: http://www.tokara.net

Sunday, August 7, 2011

In Edinburgh

Third day of our Edinburgh Fringe Festival performances is finished. It's great to be back here again, yet for the whole festival this time. I'm looking forward to the coming weeks, though don't want them to pass too quickly...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Tokara Office Opened

The new office has opened and it's exciting!!! I've actually been working there since the 4th, and have been enjoying it. I guess that's because the real busy work hasn't begun yet.

We had the opening celebrations on the 15th. We didn't make it an open invitation because the office is quite small, but those we invited showed up to join us in celebrating. Eighteen people filled up both sides of the office, and we had a great time.
Internet starts working from tomorrow, so then we will be fully up and running...

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Stardate 21121.5 - thinking

Seems like a lot of things are happening, and yet not so much.
I find that most of the office work at the moment is designing and creating for voluteer projects, which is really great. Just finished the Tokara calendar and have sent it off to print. This is a calendar that I make every year and we give them to everyone who comes to our New Year performances, as well as friends and contacts.
As I think ahead to the coming year, I worry a bit about a lot of things, but am happy that I have the chance to do all of these great things that I'm able to do...and to be surrounded by so many good people.

One really great thing about the next year, Tokara finally has an office...I mean a space specifically dedicated to the office work that creates the gateway for artistic work that Tokara is doing. For me, this means a huge deal. A space where members can work and plan even when I'm not there, where people can get together and brainstorm about new ideas, oh the possibilities.
We're going to start moving all of the work related materials to the new space soon. Next, hopefully, a practice space, which is what we need most of all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Thank you

To everyone who so kindly wrote to me, thank you so much.
Actually, I didn't know that so many people read my blog until I found out that it is also forwarded to Facebook. That is why I wasn't so clear in what I wrote.
Some of you already know about my condition, but most don't.
Several years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare liver disease called PSC (primary sclerosing cholangitis). It is a slowly progressive disease due to the regenerative properties of the liver, however there is no cure except for liver transplantation. Also, the disease causes other complications along the way. In my case, an unprecedented number of liver stones.
I was in he hospital to prepare for liver resection to remove to stones, however the doctors have recently told me that if I have liver resection, a liver transplant will not be possible when it becomes necessary according to Japanese law. Also, in most cases here, only live donor transplant between family members is possible. My wife, being the amazing person that she is, has offered. But she is considerably smaller than me physically.
Moreover, I can't see a possibility of liver transplant in the U.S. (of which I am a citizen) because I don't have health insurance there. And getting it is costly and sometimes impossible with a pre-existing condition.
Well, that's the worrisome part of my life. But I'm still happy with my life because I've got a great wife, two amazing kids (cute enough to be models, we think), great students in both my group and classes, and those taiko drums which forever challenge me to improve myself.
The chance to be cured would be a blessing for myself and my family.