Upcoming Performances and Workshops
"Kogeki Junrei" is a joint concert between three Tokyo International Wadaiko Contest Champions who have come together as "The Dream Team": Art Lee, Ryo Shiobara and Takumi Kato, with back-up cast by members of Wadaiko Ensemble Tokara and Gokasen. The first concerts on September 19th and 20th in Iida City were a smash hit. Both days were fully sold out and many have eagerly awaited details about the next production date...and now it is here. Nagoya Geijutsu Souzou Center in Nagoya City is set to be the next full production of "Kogeki Junrei" on June 25th. Soon after, the show will move to Tokyo, and will also soon be ready for release internationally. More details soon on the TOKARA website.
Tickets for Art Lee's new World Tour production "Tenchi Shinmei" go on sale at the end of this month. In the meantime, check out details at the official website.
Basic details for the 5th Annual Saiwai Shimoina Wadaiko Festival have been decided. The festival is split into two halves; the Saiwai Fringe Festival and the Super Show. This milestone event take place on June 26th, 2010, and the Super Show will feature performances by Wadaiko Kizuna Gokasen, Wadaiko Ensemble Tokara, and Special Guests, Oedo Sukeroku Daiko. Keep checking the website for updates.
**TENCHI SHINMEI Weeklong Intensive in Dublin**
"Tenchi Shinmei" is currently scheduled to make it's European debut in Dublin, Ireland with a weeklong intensive workshop in Dublin, Ireland from July 26th - 29th, followed a concert on the 30th. For more information and to sign up for the weeklong intensive, contact Taiseiyoo Taiko Ireland (host) at jennifer_edmond@yahoo.com or Wadaiko Tokara at info@tokara.net.
Each concert during the "Tenchi Shinmei" World Tour also come with workshops on the morning of each show. Spaces are limited to 10 - 12 participants per workshop so register early to a workshop in your area. To see the current list of performances and workshops, visit the official website at: www.tokara.net/tenchishinmei/english.html