Wadaiko TOKARA Japan Newsletter
December 2008
Wadaiko Ensemble TOKARA will begin our 5th anniversary world tour
starting on January 1st, 2009 with four mini concerts in Hirugami Hot
Spa resort.
We are excited about this upcoming 5th year as we are looking forward
to touring our new shows.
Our international tour starts as we head off to the U.S. East Coast in
early Februaryto join Ragamala Dance for our ongoing collaborative
concert - "Sva (Vital Force)".
The preview debuted in May 2007 in New York City's Off Broadway for a
two week run. The full show debuted in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May
2008 to five sold out concerts, and has since toured throughout the
U.S., Japan and also won a five-star review in the Edinburgh Fringe
This show, which premieres both Ragamala Dance, Wadaiko Ensemble
TOKARA and famed Sitar player Shubhendra Rao, will be touring in New
York, New Jersey, New Hampshire, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania
throughout February. Then the show will go on to tour in Oklahoma and
Southern California in late March and April.
Other plans for our world tour include Tokara's return to Canada in
May, European debut in Ireland in July, and once again performing as
the Japan representative group in Taiwan World Drum and Dance Music
Festival in November.
For Details on U.S. tour dates, check out our performances website at:
Please check back often for updates on performances throughout the year.
The INADANI Taiko Drumming Course (the beginners intensive course) and
the TOKARA Wadaiko Bootcamp (intermediate/advanced intensive course)
has been set for 2009.
For those of you who might not have heard of these courses before,
each course is a weeklong taiko intensive course here in the heart of
Japan - Nagano Prefecture.
Both courses are taught by Wadaiko Artist Art Lee and are well
considered to be two of the most sought after courses offered
You can find all of that information on each courses websites, but as
a short overview;
1. Each course focuses on taking the taiko practitioner well beyond
what he or she believed to be their limit.
2. Participants have the chance to not only learn from Art Lee, but
other top taiko artists in Japan as well.
3. Participants stay in Misaka Ryokan, highly regarded by many as one
of the best Japanese Inns Japan has to offer.
In 2009, INADANI Taiko Course participants will, for the first time,
have a chance to participate in Iida's largest wadaiko festival - The
Saiwai Shimoina Wadaiko Festival -
produced by TOKARA with 2009 special guests - Shidara. INADANI Taiko
Course website - http://www.wadaikoworld.net/japantaikocourse.html
After four to five days of intensive practice and Obon Matsuri
festivities, TOKARA Wadaiko Bootcamp participants will also travel to
Tokyo to participate in workshops and view the contests and All-star
concert of TAIKO JAPAN. TOKARA Wadaiko Bootcamp website -
In addition to these workshops, we are planning workshops during our
world tour to coincide with our concert schedule. Current plans are
for one day to weekend workshop in Minneapolis, New York, and Santa
Fe. If you are interested in booking a workshop in your area, please
contact us.
That's right, Tokara's first new member after three years is Kordian
Tetkov. Kordian is originally from Southern Germany, though he has
been in England for many years.
Kordian has been a member of Kagemusha Taiko in Exeter for six years.
He met Art Lee when Art went to Exeter as a resident instructor to
Kagemusha Taiko, and the two performed together when Kagemusha Taiko
hosted Grandmaster Daihachi Oguchi's performing group Osuwa Daiko, of
whom Art Lee was a member. Since 2005, Kordian made his way to Japan
to study with Art for two to three months every summer and autumn, and
this year in August, he was accepted as a full member of
Tokara...Congratulations, Kordian!!!
And just to let all of you know, TOKARA is currently recruiting for
new members. It takes a great deal of dedication, respect and love of
the taiko. We look forward to hearing from upcoming hopefuls...
TOKARA's new (brand new, I say) promotion pamphlet for 2009 and 2010
is finally out!!!
You can get a look at it online at: http://www.tokara.net/tokarapamphlet.pdf
Oh...and do pass it around so everyone can get a look at this year's
featured member on the front cover, Yukari Ichise.
Take care, everyone. And we look forward to seeing you...out there...in 2009.
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