Wadaiko TOKARA Japan Newsletter
July 2009
We have made it back to Japan after three months of touring and
production in the U.S., India, U.K. and Ireland. This has definitely
been Tokara's busy touring season, and also very much extreme
contrasts during each tour.
India was a very new experience for us. In May, Tokara was hired
by the India branch of the U.S. based sports channel ESPN to tour five
cities in India; which included Delhi, Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad
and Calcutta. Before the first performance, the organizer informed us
that time has little meaning in India, and therefore each performance
would most likely start somewhat late. The performances went smoothly,
although each performance started no less than two hours later than
scheduled. This gave us plenty of time for extra practice and good
conversation with the staff. The food was great, much better in the
small out of the way places. Yellow Dal, a very common dish, was the
our main staple for breakfast, lunch and dinner...yet we never got
tired of it. One thing that we were told constantly by the organizer
was to always keep a two-liter bottle of water with each individual at
all times and stay inside between 11a.m. and 4p.m. because of the
heat...which usually climbs to 45 - 48 celsius in the summer months of
April and May.
By contrast, summer climate in the U.K. and Ireland in July was
beautiful...16 to 22 celsius, and often raining (for me, rain is
beautiful compared to 48 celsius). The schedule during this trip was
quite mild compared to earlier tour this year - two performances in
Camphill Devon and U.K. Taiko Festival in Exeter. Then up to Ireland
for a weekend workshops with Taiseiyoo Taiko Ireland and then a
weeklong workshop with participants from all over Europe. We also had
a short impromptu performance at the house of the Japan Ambassador to
Ireland. Later in the trip, we drove over to Lanarkshire to visit the
good people at Mugenkyo.
After arriving back to Japan, I could smell the festival air.
August brings the Tokara Bootcamp workshop, Hirugami no Hibiki
showcase and many festival performances around Obon Festival time.
The best festivals are definitely here, and I look forward to the
August - September festival season.
On September 19th and 20th, the first of three scheduled performance
series of "Kogeki Junrei" will take place at the Iida Ningyo Gekijyo
Theater. "Kogeki Junrei" is a joint concert between three Tokyo
International Wadaiko Contest Champions who have come together as "The
Dream Team" : Art Lee, Ryo Shiobara and Takumi Kato. Details to be
released soon on the TOKARA website.
While Art Lee continues solo performances and touring, Tokara is off
from touring for a couple of months, and will return to touring "Sva
(Vital Force) with Ragamala Dance in Alaska during the latter half of
October. "Sva (Vital Force)" has been doing extremely well in touring
for the past three years with highlights including a two-week run at
Off-Broadway 42nd Street Theater and two weeks at the Edinburgh Fringe
Festival. "Sva (Vital Force)" will also be touring in winter and
spring of 2010. Check often at Tokara's website for updated
**TOKARA Wadaiko Bootcamp**
Intermediate/Advanced Course "C"
There are currently three available spaces left.
Dates: August 27th - 30th (Two days workshop and
Tokyo International Wadaiko Contest).
Details on the course:
**Art Lee Workshops in Minneapolis, U.S.**
Wadaiko Artist Art Lee will introduce two of his most popular
workshops in the U.S. for the first time in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.
'Hip-Up Taiko' is an aerobic-style taiko class with simple and fun
rhythms and lots of body movement. Also 'Taiko Stairmaster', the
ultimate taiko excercise to make both left and right hands equal.
These workshops have been taught all over Japan to many groups as well
as being big hits during Art's intensive taiko courses taught in
English in Japan; including the INADANI Taiko Drumming Course and
TOKARA Wadaiko Bootcamp.
Hip-Up Taiko (any level taiko experience)
October 8th from 6:30p.m. - 9p.m.
$45 (includes bachi) - Payable at beginning of class
Limit - 8 participants
Taiko Stairmaster (at least one year recommended)
October 9th from 6:30p.m. - 9p.m.
$45 (includes bachi) - Payable at beginning of class
Limit - 8 participants
Weekend Intensive (any level taiko experience)
October 10th from 3p.m. - 8p.m. and
October 11th from 10a.m. - 1p.m.
$110 (includes bachi) - Payable at beginning of class
Limit - 8 participants
***Every three years, the INADANI Taiko Drumming Course in Japan
changes from it's usual one week length to an intensely joyous two
week course. The year 2010 brings this two week special INADANI Taiko
Drumming Course which is called the "GRAND TOUR".
Participants study taiko in the heart of Japan for two weeks with
Wadaiko Artist Art Lee. Special visits to some of the best taiko
professionals in the world include sAkemi Jige - leader of the world
famous Hono-O-Daiko, and Shidara - one of the premiere taiko groups in
Registration is now open. Only 15 spaces per week are available, so
book early to join this event that happens only once every three years.
Details at: http://www.wadaikoworld.net/japantaikocourse.html
***Now you can order Original TOKARA Bachi and Eco-bags!!!***
That's right, Wadaiko TOKARA specially made bachi, the same style that
the group uses while playing that jazzy, knee-slappin popular piece
"Hatou no Hibiki" are
now available for purchase. Need something to put them in along with
your groceries?
New TOKARA Eco-bags are perfect for getting rid of using plastics at
the supermarket.
See details at the TOKARA Shop:
***Along with the new workshops titled "Hip-up Taiko" (aerobic-style
taiko workshops), "Movement" (calm, slow yet dynamic movements based
upon building strong taiko form), and the ever-popular "Taiko
Stairmaster" (seven levels of taiko patterns designed to build equal
strength and dexterity in both hands), Art Lee and TOKARA will begin
steadily touring our new concert production "Tenchi Shinmei" from
February 2010. "Tenchi Shinmei" is Art Lee's new work inspired by the
late Grandmaster Daihachi Oguchi. Calling upon the purest of Shinto
beliefs that within all things in the universe, both animate and
inanimate, reside the gods of heaven and earth.
More details available soon on the "on offer" page of TOKARA's website.
***It Is Confirmed - Tokara will be performing for the first two weeks
of the 2010 Edinburgh Festival of Spirituality and Peace, during the
2010 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. We are looking forward to these two
weeks of performances at St. John's Church in the heart of Edinburgh.
This is set to be one of the highlights of what is quickly turning
into a two month full tour from July to August 2010.
In addition to the festival, Tokara is currently on the way to produce
five concerts throughout the U.K. and Europe, as well as a weeklong
intensive workshop in Dublin, Ireland.
Workshops in Germany and Scotland are also in the works.
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